Four Things That Can Cause Tinnitus


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Tinnitus is a ringing sound in the ear that can be very difficult for those suffering with it to endure. It affects millions of people in the UK and there is no definite cure for it at the moment. In many cases, it is caused by problems in the inner ear, however there are some people who suffer from tinnitus that do not have any signs of this damage.

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There are many causes of tinnitus, some are more common that others. These include:

Ménière’s Disease – This is a condition that leads to vertigo as well as hearing loss and often also causes tinnitus. The astronaut Alan Shepard famously suffered from this condition which saw him grounded and unable to fly before undergoing an operation on his ear.

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Glue Ear – This is a condition that is caused by fluid building up in the middle of the ear. This in turn affects the tubes and the hairs around the cochlea which send signals to the brain, and this can then result in tinnitus.

Wax Build Up – Ear wax is a useful part of our ear and is actually the way that your ear cleans itself.  However, poking things in the ears or having narrow tubes in the ear can cause wax to build up. This can be treated by going to a professional like this ear wax Lydney removal company

Perforated Eardrum – If the eardrum is damaged this is not only painful but it can also cause tinnitus. It usually heals over a couple of months.

