How to Prepare for a Boiler Service


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Boilers are a key part of any HVAC system in commercial and industrial settings. While they’re less complicated than some other HVAC components, boilers are still subject to wear and tear that requires preventative maintenance. If you’re a facility manager responsible for scheduling boiler service at your building or facility, the best time to identify potential problems is when they are just starting to show up. That way, you can catch them before they have a chance to become actual problems that will require costly repair and downtime.

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A boiler service involves a visual inspection of your heating system to check the integrity of the equipment and identify any damage or issues that may need to be repaired. In addition, an engineer will also inspect your hot water storage cylinder and make sure it’s well insulated and not overheated or damaged. They’ll drain the tank to remove mineral sediment and refill, as well as examine the gas supply line for signs of deterioration or leaks. For Boiler Servicing Cheltenham, contact

The engineer will also inspect your boiler’s controls, including the safety shut off valves, and will reset them if necessary. They’ll review the manufacturer’s instructions for the boiler and will operate it briefly to ensure it appears to be functioning correctly. They’ll drain and refill the boiler, clean the burner assembly and heat exchanger, dismantle it and carry out a combustion analysis test, and will check that the case seal and flue flow tightness are intact. They’ll also dismantle and check the hot water cylinder to ensure it is correctly insulated, as well as conduct what’s called a spillage and flue-flow test (also known as smoke tests).

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Before your gas engineer arrives, it’s important that you clear the area they’ll be working in, to allow them easy access to your boiler and the tools they’ll need. Reputable gas engineers will try to cause as little disruption as possible, but they’ll still need space to work, so it’s best to be prepared.

It’s also a good idea to have the boiler’s manual ready for the engineer, as they might not have it with them. You should also have the make and model number of your boiler handy, in case it’s needed to check the manufacturer’s specifications. Finally, you should choose a gas safe registered company with a reputation for excellent customer service and performance, particularly when it comes to meeting deadlines and budgets. Ask the company for a list of references from other businesses with similar boiler needs to your own.

