A very brief history of cladding.


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For the most part we all enjoy seeing the pattern of brickwork skillfully applied by our old friend “the brickie”. Or we are happy to see the great beams of wood showing that this visitor centre has certainly had some eco touches add to it. However we are also very keen on covering this up, probably for decorative or maybe for preservation purposes with a very nice bit of cladding. When we clad, we clothe ourselves and this is what we are doing to the building. Brick Cladding  and Wood cladding have always been with us despite the belief it is a modern practice. As the company Telling would tell you it has been with us a lot than that. By the way, Telling provide brick cladding so they should know.

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The Dark Ages is where the practice of cladding first beings in Europe. As the Christian Church began to take hold and the old Pagan beliefs subsided the Church became the most important part of the village so it needed protecting. By the 16th Century it was becoming practice for cladding or weatherboarding to be used to try and keep out the winter wind and rain.

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The industrial revolution and the Victorian era sees the real birth of brick. Buildings for work and workers needed to be of sterner stuff and the brick starts to be used due to its strength and cheapness to make. It still needs a bit of cladding at times.

