How Can I Make My Home More Secure?


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How can I make my home more secure?” This is one of the most frequently asked questions about home security, yet it is often not addressed properly by many homeowners and security professionals. There are several home security strategies that you can use, without being intrusive.

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One thing you can do, is to avoid tall and thick shrubbery around your windows and doors- avoid them! Do not put large/thin doors between your garage and your house; they will only entice burglars to try and get in there! Avoid dark places, be sure to install motion activated outdoor lighting to expose any dark spots. Consider updating your locks, both on doors and windows. For more information on CCTV installation Essex, visit a site like Elite Sec

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You can also make your home more secure by making sure all of your windows have security bars on them. This will help prevent forced entry, whether it is by a burglar or a criminal trying to force their way into your home. Don’t forget the security of garage doors too as the garage can often be a weak point in terms of security. If your home has a larger number of windows it is highly recommended you get solid window locking mechanisms fitted as well. There are also many other types of home security devices you can use around your home, from alarms and locks to surveillance cameras. These are only a few suggestions, there are tons available!

