How do you encourage children to help tidy up their toys?


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Many frustrated and tired out, stressed Parents have asked the timeless question, “How do you get Children to help tidy up their mess?”  The easy, simple answer that usually works, is to make it fun!  There are several tidy up songs to listen to that are made specially to help children when you want to encourage them to help.  “Dave Moran’s “Time to Tidy Up” is just one example of simple lyrics with a catchy tune that you can sing with your youngster to remind them that tidying up is all part and parcel of playing. Lyrics such as “It’s time to pick up toys, put them in their place, time to close your book and put it on the shelf” and at the end of the song repeating “thank-you” several times, showers the child with praise.

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If you had access to a Large Ultrasonic Cleaner it would alleviate the need to clean up any child’s mess as everything would be taken care of by this huge, multi-functioning machine!  Television Channels like CBeebies have very popular shows that help Parents when it comes to persuading their children to help tidy up.

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Justin’s House featuring the hilarious Mr Tumble is a great example of a television show that actively encourages children though song, music and laughter to tidy up their own toys. Try not to get cross or raise your voice, repeat simple instructions through songs and make tidy up time fun for everyone.

